If you are trying to call the office we’re currently a bit short-staffed and may not be able to answer calls right away. Please leave a message, send us an email, or text us, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience!

Scroll down for all our locations.

  • Madison Valley
  • West Seattle
  • Ballard (inside Full Spectrum Gyn. Please note all treatments are done on exam tables and not massage tables at this office)

Please call your insurance to verify your coverage and the providers in your network. There is a form for reference in your intake paperwork. Information we receive about your benefits is no guarantee of coverage. You are personally responsible for any unpaid balances.

Please note there will be a missed appointment fee for any cancellations made within less than 48 hours. At this time we no are longer able to wave our fee if you are canceling due to illness. Thank you for your understanding.


This includes Acupuncture, Acupressure/Tui na (Chinese massage), Cupping, Food therapy, Cold Laser Therapy, (Laserpuncture), Moxibustion (warming of acupuncture points), Acupuncture Point Injection (B 12, Glutathione, Amino Acids, MICC and Scar Therapy,) Dry Needling and Chinese herbal medicine. Facial rejuvenation Acupuncture is only available in West Seattle and in listed for online booking u... Read More

This includes Acupuncture, Acupressure/Tui na (Chinese massage), Cupping, Food therapy, Cold Laser Therapy, (Laserpuncture), Moxibustion (warming of acupuncture points), Acupuncture Point Injection (B 12, Glutathione, Amino Acids, MICC and Scar Therapy,) Dry Needling and Chinese herbal medicine. Facial rejuvenation Acupuncture is only available in West Seattle and in listed for online booking under aesthetics. Our treatments are grounded in science and based on tradition. Please contact your insurance company to verify your coverage and that the provider you are booked with is in network. You are responsible for charges not paid by your insurance.

Massage Therapy

We offer therapeutic massage using Swedish, deep tissue, craniosacral, manual lymphatic drainage, and strain/counter-strain techniques. We offer abdominal massage as well as, fertility and prenatal massage. Clients who would like to use insurance must have a current prescription on file from a physician. It must include the number of visits, treatment codes, frequency, start and end date. If it... Read More

We offer therapeutic massage using Swedish, deep tissue, craniosacral, manual lymphatic drainage, and strain/counter-strain techniques. We offer abdominal massage as well as, fertility and prenatal massage. Clients who would like to use insurance must have a current prescription on file from a physician. It must include the number of visits, treatment codes, frequency, start and end date. If it is not on file the day of your treatment we will either charge a missed appointment fee of $60, or you can pay our time of service rate. If you bring a prescription that includes that date of service in the future the charge will be refunded.

Read more about billing medical massage through insurance on the insurance page of our website. Physicians at Glow can provide these prescriptions if needed but you will need to schedule an appointment. Please contact your insurance company to verify your coverage for the provider your scheduled with. You are responsible for charges not paid by your insurance.


We use a Strength Based approach with techniques including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness, Somatic Body Awareness. Please contact your insurance company to verify your coverage. You are responsible for charges not paid by your insurance.


Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic physicians are family medicine doctors with a specialty in natural medicine. They treat acute and chronic conditions ranging from womens' health to digestive issues to autoimmune disease. They utilize science-based herbal medicine, diet and nutrient therapy, amino acid therapy, diet, exercise, and stress management counseling, Detoxification, B12, B Complex, & glutathione intramu... Read More

Naturopathic physicians are family medicine doctors with a specialty in natural medicine. They treat acute and chronic conditions ranging from womens' health to digestive issues to autoimmune disease. They utilize science-based herbal medicine, diet and nutrient therapy, amino acid therapy, diet, exercise, and stress management counseling, Detoxification, B12, B Complex, & glutathione intramuscular injections, IV drip infusions and antibiotics, hormone, or other prescriptions if necessary.
Primary care services include annual gynecological exams, STI and other blood testing, imaging, prescriptions as needed, cholesterol and blood pressure management, respiratory infections, rapid strep testing, skin issues, mental health, smoking cessation, stress management, preventative screening such as mammogram, colonoscopy, and bone scans. Referrals to specialists as appropriate. Specialists’ records are held in the chart to serve as a central place of care. Please not we have a 48 hr cancellation/ missed appointment policy, IV's will be billed a 50% cancellation/ missed appointment fee.


We offer facials, facial rejuvenation acupuncture, waxing and lash and brow tinting.


Reiki is a technique where the therapist uses touch and channeled energy to encourage the body’s own innate healing response. This gently restores balance and health to the patient. Reiki or energy healing is the moving of energy blockages so that the body systems can work in harmony and exist in their natural flow state. All things are made of energy, including our bodies. To heal at the d... Read More

Reiki is a technique where the therapist uses touch and channeled energy to encourage the body’s own innate healing response. This gently restores balance and health to the patient.

Reiki or energy healing is the moving of energy blockages so that the body systems can work in harmony and exist in their natural flow state. All things are made of energy, including our bodies. To heal at the deepest level of our beings it’s essential to balance and clear out old stagnant energy and patterns. Your body is comprised of 7 main chakras. Each hold and relate to aspects of our lives; physically, spiritually and emotionally.


Postpartum Doula

Our postpartum doula services provide support in the postpartum and early parenting period both emotionally
and physically. This includes newborn and infancy care, perinatal mental health and
mindfulness. Other specialties include lactation support, family dynamic transitions, body
mind awareness and intuitive energy work.

Rachel Mendoza is a postpartum doula, intuitive healer and reiki practitioner. She specializes in transitions and support in the postpartum and early parenting period both emotionally and physically. Including newborn and infancy care , perinatal mental health and mindfulness. Other specialties include lactation support, family dynamic transitions, body mind awareness and intuitive energy work.

Rachel attended Bastyr University for her doula education including perinatal mental health and lactation. She is an educator and facilitator for the Gottman Institutes “Bringing home Baby” trainings and programs. Rachel also graduated as a Voice Dialogue Facilitator and Counselor. A therapeutic modality to help the client work from a place of an aware ego as well  as a certified EFT tapping clinician.

She has been attuned as a reiki master level 2 from Northwest Healing Studio as well as completed her 8 month Reiki Intuitive energy healing mentorship and level 3 Reiki master training and attunement. She has been on the journey of intuitive healing and processing for years.

A healing session can be strictly silent hands on energy healing or it can be more an emotional talk therapy session with intuitive hands on healing as needed. She uses all her facets to create and hold space for the client. Her passion is to reignite the spark within every client and to empower and lift the vibrations and energy of each one she touches. She believes everyone has the innate ability to radiate and function at their highest good and her intention is to help usher that in.

She feels strongly that each parent and family can feel empowered in their role given the right tools, knowledge, and support. Her passion is rooted in her deep respect and belief in the way of all the ancestors that did this work for centuries before and the ideology that it takes a village. After having her own postpartum doula practice she is thrilled to be joining the Glow family of practitioners to more fully build each client’s “village”. In working alongside all the practitioners at Glow she is confident that it provides a safety net of all the components of care and an integrated approach that is rare to find in the postpartum period and the health care system.

Rachel has always worked in roles of healing and caretaking. She was an early childhood educator for many years and has worked with infants through toddlerhood and their families for the last 15 years. She has a holistic approach and likes to meet her clients where they are and support them in whatever way they need. She brings all her knowledge to the table and pulls from the parts that seem to be most beneficial and relevant to the client.

Rachel was born in San Francisco,raised in Seattle and lived in LA and NY. She now calls Seattle her home where she lives with her partner, children and two dogs. When not with clients you can find her trying to snuggle her “not-so-baby-babies”, doing barre, meditating, reading, watering her plants, eating an abundance of kale and kimchi and trying with limited success to read her partner his horoscope.

Rachel Mendoza is a postpartum doula, intuitive healer and reiki practitioner. She specializes in... Read More

Paneled with Premera, Lifewise, Regence, PIP/MVA and is currently pending with Aetna, Coordinated Care and Triwest.

Emily Klein, L.Ac., FABORM, is a licensed practitioner of East Asian Medicine in the states of Washington and California and is board certified by the NCCAOM. She received her Master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Five Branches University, Santa Cruz, and her Bachelors of Science in Nutrition Science and Dietetics from Central Washington University. Along with being a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist, Emily is a fellow of ABORM (American Board of Reproductive Medicine). She specializes in treating fertility, pregnancy and postpartum recovery. Prior to joining Glow Natural Health Center, Emily practiced Traditional Chinese Medicine in a variety of environments. She shared clinic space with physical therapists in San Francisco, treated employees on site at a fast pace technology company, and started her own practice independently in Barcelona, Spain. While she specializes in women’s health, Emily also brings with her a lot of experience in sports medicine and pain management. She went through extensive training to become a sports medicine specialist at Five Branches University. With her training in traditional Chinese medicine and Western science, Emily offers a holistic approach combining traditional techniques with modern research. Using Chinese herbalism, electro-acupuncture, cupping, and tui na massage, her treatment style is gentle and effective.

Paneled with Premera, Lifewise, Regence, PIP/MVA and is currently pending with Aetna, Coordinated... Read More

Paneled with Premera, Lifewise, Regence, L&I, Aetna, Kaiser (HMO/PPO) Tri-West and PIP

Sarah Taylor is a graduate of Five Branches Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where she received her 3,000 hour Master’s Degree in TCM in 2005.

She is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in both Washington and California, as well as nationally board certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).

In addition to Sarah’s studies at Five Branches Institute, she apprenticed for 18 months with Holly Guzman, OMD in Santa Cruz, CA.

Patient education is a primary aspect of the healing process. Sarah strives to help people feel more content and comfortable in their own bodies. Sarah takes special interest in Pain Management and Women’s Health.

Prior to attending Five Branches Institute, Sarah completed a double major in International Relations and German Studies at Mills College in Oakland, CA. She is fluent in German and has studied abroad in both Germany and Austria.

Paneled with Premera, Lifewise, Regence, L&I, Aetna, Kaiser (HMO/PPO) Tri-West and PIP Sarah... Read More

Rachelle’s interest in Chinese medicine started as a young girl in Honolulu, Hawaii. She can still remember the herbal scents which filled her home as she watched her grandma prepare food and herbal remedies for the family on a daily basis. As she got older, she began to understand that her grandma’s knowledge was rooted in the ancient tradition of Chinese medicine. Time passed and her journey steered her in quite the opposite direction. She began a career in esthetics which focused on treating the skin and caring for the outer body. After more than a decade of specializing in skin care, Rachelle’s continued interest in Chinese medicine led her to pursue a master’s degree in Chinese medicine at the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences in Oakland, California.

Her approach is one that encompasses knowledge of the inner and outer world to restore balance to the body. Since both are reflections of each other, she strives to educate patients in creating harmony through the integration of the emotional, mental and physical aspects of the body. She has a passion for helping patients achieve their goals through lifestyle practices based on Chinese medicine and topical skin care science.

Rachelle received her education at the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences in Oakland, California with a master’s degree in traditional Chinese medicine. She also holds a Bachelors degree in Studio Art Design from the University of California at Santa Barbara. She is a licensed acupuncturist in California and is an NCCAOM nationally board certified acupuncturist and practitioner of eastern medicine. Rachelle is a licensed esthetician in Washington and California and has received continued education and training in facial rejuvenation acupuncture.

Rachelle currently resides in Seattle with her partner. She enjoys food and experimenting with different recipes and taking care of their cuddly English bulldog named Otis.

Rachelle’s interest in Chinese medicine started as a young girl in Honolulu, Hawaii. She can sti... Read More

Paneled with Regence, Premera, Lifewise, Aetna, Kasier (HMO/PPO), Coordinated Care, Tri-West, L&I and PIP

As a Chinese medicine practitioner with a strong background in Western medicine, Jillian believes that the best treatment combines both approaches. She loves to work with patients that are trying to avoid pharmaceuticals and surgery, and with patients who believe that preventative medicine is the key to maintaining a healthy, balanced life.

Jillian is a licensed acupuncturist and herbologist and a nationally-recognized Diplomate of Oriental Medicine.

She holds a Master’s of Science in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Bastyr University and a Bachelor’s of Arts in Environmental Biology from Colgate University. She has completed internships at both the Chengdu University of TCM and the Shanghai University of TCM in China. Jillian is passionate about Chinese medicine because of its holistic nature and the way that it helps our bodies restore our natural, healthy balance.

In her free time, Jillian is an avid outdoors enthusiast. Whether it’s biking, skiing, climbing, or hiking, she spends as much time as possible outside, helping her maintain her own personal balance in her life.

Paneled with Regence, Premera, Lifewise, Aetna, Kasier (HMO/PPO), Coordinated Care, Tri-West, L&a... Read More

Paneled with Premera, Lifewise, PIP, First Choice, Kaiser(PPO) and Regence

I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker holding credentials to provide psychotherapy in Washington State (LICSW). I am a graduate of the State University of New York at Buffalo’s School of Social Work, where I earned my Master’s of Social Work (MSW) degree.

I have developed a breadth of experience from hospital employment that included medical case management, dialysis care, inpatient psychiatric and chemical dependency treatment, and outpatient mental health counseling, as well as from Community College counseling, where I provided academic, career and personal counseling to the students and faculty.

My Approach

My approach to therapy is holistic, from a Strengths-Based, Mindful perspective, acknowledging that all people have strengths – often untapped or unrecognized. Strengths-Based Social Work practice is an empowering alternative to traditional therapies. Traditional psychotherapy more often defines an individual’s poor functioning in terms of psychiatric diagnoses. My approach, in collaboration with the patient, is to uncover or rediscover the patient’s own abilities. I view my patients as resourceful and resilient in the face of adversity, and empower them to be active participants in the healing process.

My work is informed by and grounded in Transpersonal Social Work Theory (Body and Spirit), and reflects my professional training in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Reality Therapy, Family Systems, Mindfulness, and Body Awareness.

I have a special interest in Integrative Mental Health (our brains are not separate from our bodies!). I work with all individuals struggling with chronic illness and pain, depression and anxiety, as well as those overwhelmed by transitions in life, but I have a particular personal interest in supporting and managing the stress and anxiety associated with fertility issues by employing a mindfulness approach.

More About Tina

I joined the staff at Glow Natural Health Center in November 2009 when my husband, our pets, and I took on the challenge of uprooting ourselves from our home in New York State and moving to Seattle to be near our daughter Lindsey, son-in-law Joel, and new grandchild Eli.

I believe real growth and transformation can result from changes we make in our lives, even though change can be uncomfortable or downright scary. However, challenging oneself can be very empowering!

I am enjoying the abundant cultural opportunities that Seattle provides as well as furthering my life-long interest in nature in the incredible beauty of the Pacific NW.

The therapeutic relationship between patient and therapist is a special one. To help you assess whether or not we make a good connection, I offer a free 30-minute consult. I welcome the opportunity to work with you! Check out her website http://tinamichalski.com/ for more information.

Paneled with Premera, Lifewise, PIP, First Choice, Kaiser(PPO) and Regence I am a Licensed Clini... Read More

Allegra graduated from Cornish College of the arts in 2013! There she fell in love with the artistic aesthetic. She loved her experience at cornish and being immersed in the arts. She earned the hair and makeup internship at Seattle Opera during her sophomore year and worked her way up to become a Principal hair and make artist. After excelling at the art of makeup she decided that she wanted to learn and to see the whole picture from the canvas up.That is what lead her to enroll in the Euro Institute of Skincare in Renton, Wa. There she partook in their rigorous esthetics program and graduated, passing the state boards with flying colors as a licensed Esthetician. Her approach is very holistic, body, mind, spirit. Of course skin comes first, however she likes to treat the client as a whole. She specializes in relaxing facials with include European facial massage. She is warm and welcoming and ready to meet you!

Allegra graduated from Cornish College of the arts in 2013! There she fell in love with the artis... Read More

Dr. Katie grew up in Illinois and attended National University of Health Sciences for naturopathic medical school. Following graduation she completed a private residency focused in mental health at The Center – A Place of Hope in Edmonds, WA. As a primary care physician, she takes a special interest in mental health, digestive health, fertility, male and female hormones, stress response, thyroid function, and pediatrics. Her patients range from 1 month old to 87 years old!

Her philosophy aligns with vitalistic naturopathic medicine. Vitalism emphasizes the body’s innate, self-healing capacity when the proper conditions for health are established. It honors utilizing natural means to help promote sustained health. Dr. Katie believes we are born with the strength and ability to heal ourselves when living within the laws of nature. Life choices rooted in nutrition, hydration, movement, sleep, and relationships have the ability to damage our health and prevent our healing process; which also means these choices have the ability to benefit our health and healing.

In her free time, Dr. Katie enjoys going on roadtrips (31 states and counting!), seeing live music, spending time with her partner Joey, and finding fun ways to exercise like rollerblading and playing pickleball.

Services Provided:

  • Annual exam, well-child exams, routine gynecologic exams, STD/STI testing, school and sports physical exams, acute care
  • Comprehensive routine blood work via Quest or LabCorp
  • Speciality Testing: food sensitivities and intolerances, gut microbiome evaluation, OATs, genetic developmental testing for pediatrics, MTHFR/COMT detection, micronutrient levels, vaginal biome evaluation
  • Diet and nutrition counseling
  • De-prescribing medications (when safe and appropriate)
  • Homeopathic and herbal therapies
  • Telemedicine appointments
  • Free 15-minute consultation

*Dr. Katie honors a pro-choice stance for vaccinations but cannot administer vaccines for children or adults.

Dr. Katie grew up in Illinois and attended National University of Health Sciences for naturopathi... Read More

Paneled with Premera, Lifewise, Regence, Aetna, Tri-West, Kaiser (HMO/PPO) and PIP

Rachelle’s interest in Chinese medicine started as a young girl in Honolulu, Hawaii. She can still remember the herbal scents which filled her home as she watched her grandma prepare food and herbal remedies for the family on a daily basis. As she got older, she began to understand that her grandma’s knowledge was rooted in the ancient tradition of Chinese medicine. Time passed and her journey steered her in quite the opposite direction. She began a career in esthetics which focused on treating the skin and caring for the outer body. After more than a decade of specializing in skin care, Rachelle’s continued interest in Chinese medicine led her to pursue a master’s degree in Chinese medicine at the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences in Oakland, California.

Her approach is one that encompasses knowledge of the inner and outer world to restore balance to the body. Since both are reflections of each other, she strives to educate patients in creating harmony through the integration of the emotional, mental and physical aspects of the body. She has a passion for helping patients achieve their goals through lifestyle practices based on Chinese medicine and topical skin care science.

Rachelle received her education at the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences in Oakland, California with a master’s degree in traditional Chinese medicine. She also holds a Bachelors degree in Studio Art Design from the University of California at Santa Barbara. She is a licensed acupuncturist in California and Washington and is an NCCAOM nationally board certified acupuncturist and practitioner of eastern medicine. She is a member of ABORM, the Acupuncture and TCM Board of Reproductive Medicine and specializes in fertility acupuncture. Rachelle is a licensed esthetician in Washington and California and has received continued education and training in facial rejuvenation acupuncture.

Rachelle enjoys music, culinary adventures and taking care of her English bulldog named Moxie

Paneled with Premera, Lifewise, Regence, Aetna, Tri-West, Kaiser (HMO/PPO) and PIP Rachelle’s in... Read More

Dr. Suhyeon In is no longer accepting new patients. Her last day at Glow will be Wednesday March 12th. Existing patients can transition care to Dr Katie Ferree and we will have an additional Naturopath available soon. Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to continuing to provide your care. Dr In is an integrative primary care physician with special interests that encompass cardiovascular disease, endocrine conditions (diabetes, PCOS, thyroid disorders), gastrointestinal conditions (GERD, SIBO/IFO, IBS, IBD), mental health (anxiety, depression), and women’s health. She combines the standards of care with evidence-based diet, nutrition, exercise, botanical medicine, and mind-body techniques to treat a wide variety of acute and chronic conditions. She is passionate about patient-centered care, and prioritizes patient education and shared decision-making to empower patients to actively engage in their health.

Dr. In earned her ND from Bastyr University and completed an accredited residency in academic and family medicine at the Bastyr Center for Natural Health in Seattle, WA.

Languages spoken: English, Korean

Services: • Annual check-ups, routine gynecologic exams, school physicals, and other preventive care services • Acute care, such as coughs, colds, flu, injuries, urinary tract infections • Chronic disease management, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease • Diet and nutrition counseling • Integrated behavioral health care • Lab tests, imaging, and other diagnostic services • Medication management & prescriptions • Referrals for specialist care • Telemedicine appointments (Note: patients must be present in the state of Washington at the time of the virtual visit)

Dr. Suhyeon In is no longer accepting new patients. Her last day at Glow will be Wednesday March ... Read More

Paneled with Premera, Lifewise, Regence, Aetna, Kaiser (PPO), First Choice, Tri-West, and PIP

Clinic Director

Top Doctors 2012 Seattle Metropolitan: Women’s health

Lindsey specializes in acupuncture for women’s health issues including fertility, pregnancy and post-postpartum care. She treats kids from infancy through puberty.

Other specialties include pain and musculoskeletal issues, injury from car accidents, endocrine imbalances and trauma. She uses acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Oriental bodywork, Infrared and Cold laser therapy, cleansing treatments and Shamanic healing. Read more about her specialty in fertility at www.fertilityacupuncturistseattle.com.

Treatments focus both on relieving symptoms, as well as healing illness from its root. She believes that Eastern medicine and Western medicine are looking at the same problem from two different angles, and are invaluable when used together to create a more complete picture. She seeks to educate her patients on ways to live a harmonious life through small lifestyle changes, exercise and diet. The ultimate goal is to prevent illness. She has designed two diet programs, the Elemental Detox and Fertile Glow Diet.

Education: Masters in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine 1999, Bastyr University, Seattle. Advanced Herbal Training in Women’s Health, Chengdu University, China. Advanced Herbal Training in Traumatology at Shanghai University. Trained in Fertility with Dr. Jane Lyttleton, Dr. Randine Lewis, and Dr. Paul Magerelli. Trained in Pregnancy and Postpartum care with Cindy Micleu. Trained in Shamanic Healing, Certificate in Acutonics.

Member: RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, NCCAOM (National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine), WAOMA (Washington Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Association)

Volunteer: Acupuncturists Without Borders volunteer team after Hurricane Katrina.

More about Lindsey

Her education in Natural Medicine began at an early age with a love of nature, medicinal plants, and food. Study of the body continued in high school and college through numerous sports, both individual and team. A torn ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) in her knee, was followed by 3 reconstructive surgeries through age 19. The experience spurred her to pursue a career in alternative medicine at Bastyr University and prompted her move to Seattle from the Buffalo, NY area.

Lindsey is dedicated to community and is the owner of Glow. Lindsey’s other passions include cooking and functional food, cross training, traveling, gardening, reading, writing, art, and spending time with her son and husband in their Seattle home.

Paneled with Premera, Lifewise, Regence, Aetna, Kaiser (PPO), First Choice, Tri-West, and PIP Cl... Read More

Jacquelyn is in network with Premera.

Jacquelyn Cora Pannullo, MSEd, LMT specializes in Craniosacral therapy, fascia release, and emotional integration for fertility, pregnancy, postpartum, birth trauma, pelvic floor conditions as well as people living with migraines and chronic illness.

She is also passionate about working with infants, kids, teens, and specializes in childhood migraines. Jacquelyn is a Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist (CPMT), Certified Infant Massage Teacher (CIMT).

She is a bodyworker and teacher dedicated to helping people live the life that they desire. She has discovered that by bringing awareness to our earliest experiences we can integrate our trauma, focus on our strengths, and live in the wholeness of our truth with less pain and struggle.

Jacquelyn has been working with kids and families for 30 years and has been practicing bodywork since 2009. She enjoys cooking, spending time outdoors, painting and traveling, and has recently moved to Seattle from Oregon.

MSEd - Special Education, Behavioral and Emotional Education

BA Psychology - Developmental Psychology

Graduate of East West College of the Healing Arts – OR lic #16525, WA lic# MA60778969

Advanced training in Craniosacral Therapy and Myofascial Therapy – specializing in infants, toddlers, teens, fertility, pregnancy, post-partum, chronic conditions, migraines, auto immune disorders, emotional integration, visceral listening

Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist(CPMT), Certified Infant Massage Teacher(CIMT), Certified Touch Therapy for Autism(ASD) with the Liddle Kidz Foundation

Advanced training as a Somatic Behavior Learning Specialist

Advanced training in nervous system development and function

Advanced training in Pre and Perinatal Sciences with Kartlon Terry

Internal Pelvic Attunement with Dr. Ami Opal, ND

Training in Holistic Pelvic Care with Tami Kent, PT - in process

Jacquelyn is in network with Premera. Jacquelyn Cora Pannullo, MSEd, LMT specializes in Craniosa... Read More

Paneled with Aetna, Premera, Lifewise, Regence, Kaiser (PPO), Coordinated Care (Ambetter), United Health Network, First Choice Health Network, American Whole Health Network, L&I, PIP. NOT taking 3rd party claims.

Please Call the office for Initial Chiropractic Consultation and Exam.

Dr. Bergfors earned her pre-medical degree from Rutgers University in New Jersey, and her doctorate degree from New York Chiropractic College in Seneca Falls, New York. After graduating cum laude she moved to Saudi Arabia to practice Chiropractic medicine for several months as the only female chiropractor in the country. The experience served as an intensive clinical experience in a multidisciplinary medical environment as well as being culturally enlightening.

In the fall of 2002, Dr. Bergfors moved to Seattle and joined Glow Natural Health Center in Madison Valley.

Paneled with Aetna, Premera, Lifewise, Regence, Kaiser (PPO), Coordinated Care (Ambetter), United... Read More

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